Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Zack Attack: Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me edition

Took Zoe to school today. She's alternating between the thrill of being a big sister and the abject rejection of her loss of station. That's cool. I understand that. I was a 5 year old who lost his power position to an obnoxious, screaming, whining pain in the ass baby. I remember the experience like it was yesterday.
We explained to her that the baby was coming home today and that she could help and watch her own movies and blah blah blah.
I got home to find Beth on the phone.
Turns out the hospital never asked us to sign a consent form for our Dr. to perform the circumcision. I don't much cotton to religion but we were going to have a mohel do it. Mainly because I've seen them done poorly by internists and I wanted a pro. I have no family here in LA and no real reason for a ceremony. This is a conformity/health issue with a smattering of "If he wants to be a religious jew later, so be it".
Anywho, now we have to wait for that operation which can't happen until we get to the hospital and sign the form.
But! There's another snag. Guess who must have figured out he was going home so he decided to stop breathing a little again? You guessed right.
Our little bundle of neuroses did it again (sort of). He didn't turn blue this time, nor did he have an apnic reaction but the nurses threw him on oxygen again.
The neonatologist ordered the oxygen stopped, that it wasn't necessary, so that's a relief.
He also vomited. You don't wanna vomit in the icu, it gets everyone all up in arms and nervous. His pediatrician thinks that he was just overeating, since he's actually a healthy baby who should by now be out of the ICU. The nurses probably just overfed him and he barfed.
However, the doc thinks it might be prudent to keep him there one more night for observation.
He did stress, however, that if we wanted to take Zack home tonight, we could. They expect nothing to go wrong. But, heck, if he's gonna have surgery and he's already there.....
So, it looks like Zack WON'T be coming home today.
Unless he does something else.......

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