Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Listening Post: Devo - Ranking

Something I've never done but might go back and complete is the the actual rankings of Listening Post and Reflecting Pool records in order of grades.

I'll start with the latest Listening Post for Devo.

Freedom of Choice: A+ (100)
Q: Are We Not Men A: We Are Devo: A+ (99)
Something for Everybody: A (93)
Oh, No! It's Devo; B- (81)
Duty Now For the Future: B- (80)
New Traditionalists: C- (74)
Shout: C- (72)
Smooth Noodle Maps: C- (70)
Total Devo: D- (61)

Devo output average: B- (81)
In other words, about average. What one can expect from any artist. Stick with the top three and you'll be fine.

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