Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Listening Post: Devo - Smooth Noodle Maps

Devo - Smooth Noodle Maps - 1990

Remember all that anonymous pseudo-dance synth music on the last Devo record? It's ba-a-a-ck! Only more monotonous than before. At least this time we are only treated to a 30 minute blast. Half the time, the same amount of schnooze!
I have to believe that opening track, "Stuck in a Loop" is a commentary on the banality and exhaustive sound the band is vomiting out.
It says a lot that the most interesting track is the cover of the early 60s hit, "Morning Dew". One of the things I notice as I listen is that Devo is exceptionally capable of making acceptable dance tracks. But, it's like dance tracks done by someone with low-functioning Asperger's. Their ability to embrace the sex or sensuality or connective tissue that is required of dance tracks is missing. It's dance music for robots. Which is why it must fail. To dance is to connect. Not just to put words on beats.
It isn't until the album is almost over that the band gets their snark on for real. "Jimmy" is like Ween's "Spinal meningitis" for people with very thin skin. And there's "Devo Has feelings, Too", with it's crunchy guitars and the sense that the door might be closing on the spuds. Not a moment too soon.

Grade: C-
ASide: Post Post Modern Man
BlindSide: Morning Dew, Jimmy

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