Friday, February 18, 2011

Listening Post: Purple Sabbath - Black Sabbath - Sabotage

Black Sabbath - Sabotage - 1975

After two years off, primarily touring for Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, their most well reviewed album to date, and partying apparently, Sabbath returns with the album you never hear about.
Listening to it for the first time in ages I sort of understand why. If SBS was experimental in its soundcraft and attempts at wider appeal, Sabotage takes the same progressive stance but instead of trying to appeal to a wider audience, it sort of doubles down on the sludge.
The result is a terrifically appealing Sabbath record but only slightly more accessible than Vol. 4. With the stench of mid-70s rock all over it, Sabotage (which suffers from one of the worst covers in the band's history) has some enormously ambitious moments. The mega-epic "Megalomania" is a triumph of styles, tempos and textures. And some terrific vocals by Ozzy on the closer, "The Writ". While the first track, "Hole in the Sky" and the side two opener, "The Thrill of it All" are both genuinely tasty metal tracks, I can't help but feel as though there's nothing to hang on to. The single, "Am I Going Insane" is a great song and it even has one foot nestled nicely in late 60s structure and style. After 6 records, it's nice to know that the lads haven't completely eschewed their beginnings.

After listening to Sabotage I can't imagine reaching for it as the go-to Sabbath record. It's not even in 4th position.
It's good, but it's just not...fantastic. If you have Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, nothing will really move or surprise you here.

Grade: B+
ASide: The Thrill of it All, Am I Going Insane
BlindSide: Supertzar, Megalomania, The Writ

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