Friday, February 25, 2011

Listening Post: Purple Sabbath - Black Sabbath - Never Say Die


Black Sabbath - Never Say Die! - 1978

Talk about sounding absolutely nothing like yourself.
Never Say Die!, the last Sabbath record with Ozzy is one of the most confusing records I've ever head. Let alone from Sabbath. It's as though, at times, a power pop group decided to make a metal record. Then at other times it's crazily disjointed like the mess of "Junior's Eyes". At other times, it reminds me of some weird Beatles meets Bay City Rollers mess (A Hard Rock).
I don't know what to make of this. It's as though I got dropped off in an alternate universe and was told that metal was something that it really wasn't.
Weird. You should hear it. Or maybe not. It's not worth looking for. I'm putting this record in the closet and saying, "Never Again".

And with that, the Black Sabbath that led the charge and changed the world of music as we would know it, like their Purple counterparts, said farewell. The lineup that meant so much was gone. This record is a fitting explanation as to why.

Grade: D
ASide: Never Say Die!
DownSide: Air Dance, Junior's Eyes, Breakout (Saxophone? WTF?)

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