Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Listening Post: Aerosmith - Just Push Play

Aerosmith – Just Push Play – 2001

Just Push Play is, without a doubt, the ugliest record that Aerosmith has ever recorded.
Still following the formula, utilizing outsized orchestrations whether or not they are appropriate, the band just comes across as tired.
And we are not the beneficiaries of anything good here.
The major single, “Jaded”, is as cut out a track as the band has ever done. While it's somewhat catchy, it's time for these guys to put it to rest. The rest of the record is forgettable at best.
Earlier this year Joe Perry went on record disavowing Play, saying that none of the members were in the same room when it was recorded and it taught him “how not to make an Aerosmith record.”

Grade: D
A-Side: Jaded
DownSide: Trip Hoppin

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