Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No good deed goes unpunished

So, this happened last night.

Beth and I were in the tv room watching Californication, enjoying the soft core comedy stylings of David Duchovny and Evan Handler, when we heard a loud BOOM outside.
We raced out to see a car had been heading down the street, lost control, hit a parked car and ended up on its side. People said they had called 911, but they were doing it from their cell phones and we have learned that land lines are the best for that. So, Beth handed me the home phone that we barely use, except for emergencies and I called.
911 was extraordinary. The asked that the passenger be given space so I started to yell, "Get away from the car!". At first they did exactly that.
Then 911 wanted to be sure that no one touch the car. Inasmuch as the car could topple over, to leave it be.
One jackass went over to the car and put his hand on the roof and was trying to get the driver to open a window.
"Get your hand OFF the car!" I was yelling. It took about 4 times for me to yell this for the guy to respond.
His reaction? To get in my face and call me out for yelling at him!
I told him that 911 said the car could fall over.
"They don't know." He replied. "It wasn't gonna fall over". I could see the beer in his eyes.
I thought he was going to take a slug at me.
the rescue team arrived and cordoned off the scene as you can see. I made mea culpas to the drunk simply because I'm the new guy in the neighborhood and I don't want my house robbed.
People suck. You know?

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