Saturday, May 7, 2011

Queen for a Day - Some Day, Some Way

In a few weeks we will get to the track that made me fall completely in love with Queen. Because I thought they were Fleetwood Mac. And it's not like I love FM.
This isn't that song, but it's very similar. Just about every Queen album includes a skiffly acoustic track written by Brian. This is that song. It's cute. It's a little too in love with the stars. A little too trippy (on the Red Special solos).
But worst of all for this blog series:
It's not sung by Freddie. Since this series was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Mercury's death I just thought it was important to point that out.
That aside, the trouble with May's vocals is he's trying too hard to be an accomplished vocalist. You can hear it in his very forced vibrato. Brian always had a weak voice. Certainly not a rock voice. Or a rock voice that fits the power of this band. Fortunately on this song, power isn't necessary. So, it's fine. It's not great. Just passable.

Grade: B-

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