Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Queen for a Day - Misfire

The first John Deacon penned track is the tritest song on the record. And the one that harkens the most to The Beatles. Mostly in instrumentation, with the loopy lick and the bouncy McCartney bass line. The song itself is the definition of forgettable, so thank goodness it's just 1:50. Hard to believe that the writer of this song would go on to write some of the band's biggest hits.
This is not one. However, Neko Case, on her solo album, covered this song, for some reason and it turned out pretty spiffy. Maybe it just needed to be sung by a woman, that way the lyrics can sound like bad come ons rather than poorly misguided double entendres, which I don't think they were meant to be, but seem to be.
Trite indeed.

Grade: C-

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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