Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Queen for a Day - Modern Times Rock and Roll

For years this was my favorite song on what I would have described as a half-assed attempt to be current, schizophrenic debut. It's barely a blip, coming in at under 2 minutes. It's speed metal with feedback, full stops, lightning solos and, surprisingly no drum flash. Given that it was written by a drummer.
Sure, it really wants to be a Zeppelin track. But it also wants to me thrash metal, which predates a lot of that stuff. Roger was always the rock and roller in the band. The guy voted most likely to sleep with models and have babies out of wedlock (I believe he conquered those). He was the one with the candy stripe suit in pictures inside Live Killers. Roger was the guy i wanted to be. He seemed like he was having the most fun. With Keep Yourself Alive, this is as straight ahead rock as this album was going to give.
I dig it.

Grade: A

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