Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Queen for a Day - Killer Queen

Sorry about not posting this yesterday, the whole day got away from me. But the good news is that today is a twofer. Since it Tuesday, that seems appropriate.

Queen has a hit! Finally.
The funny thing is it's nothing like one would have expected, given their output the last two records. It's a piano/harpsichord driven piece of jaunt about a high class hooker. It's lyrical, yes, but musically, it's so steeped in the "glam" sound of 1974, it could have been written by Sparks. Or Raspberries, if they had the sensibility.
Killer also contains the tastiest and most melodic guitar solo Brian May had ever recorded.
It's a "pop" single in the purest 1974 sense of the word,yet it's also timeless.
Confection is a word often used to describe stuff like this and it fits for a reason.

Grade: A+


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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