Friday, December 31, 2010

FlickWatch: Exit Through the Gift Shop (or I wanna make me some art)

Streamed via Netflix/Wii, we watched this documentary the other night. It's one of the most exciting and interesting actual documentations I've seen in a while.
See, there's this guy, Thierry, who has OCD. He has a compulsive need to videotape EVERYTHING. But he doesn't label or categorize because he's sort of nuts. Just keeps filming and filming. Then he gets hooked up with some street artists and starts documenting them. Then they connect him to Banksy, the holy grail of mystery street artists. Banksy puts on a show. Banksy then tells Thierry it's time to put the movie you've been filming together. When he does, it's a chaotic mess. So, Banksy decides to take all the raw stock and edit the film himself. And he tells loony to go off and busy himself. Make some art. Do something. And Thierry takes this as a mandate to become an ARTIST. He rebrands himself Mr. Brainwash (MWB) and basically becomes sort of a celebrity in the artworld.
It's fantastic.
Not to be missed.
And it kind of made me want to get some art supplies and draw this little alien character I made when I was 8. It's the only thing I've ever drawn and I think it could be a neat little stencil. On a building. Or you know, something.

Exit Through the Gift Shop
Grade: A+

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