Friday, January 22, 2010

Kissening Post: Kiss - Carnival of Souls

Kiss - Carnival of Souls - 1997

Here's what this record is. In 1995 or so Kiss went in to the studio and recorded a bunch of songs that sounded like "the sound of the day", meaning Soundgarden & Alice in Chains. Somewhere along the lines the idea hit Gene and Paul to reunite with Ace and Peter. That concept represented a much bigger cash opportunity. So they fired Kulick and Singer and shelved the tracks.
But the songs got out. Kiss fans started trading them. Not wanting to miss ANY cash op, S&S put out a formal release. And the result is this album.
So, what does it sound like?
If you LOVE Soundgarden and Alice in Chains but are bored by all the albums you've already heard and you don't mind a sound alike, then this record is for you.
I do not like AiC. Or SG. Their music actually makes me a little nauseous. So, this record makes me feel a little queasy. It's got that bass-driven sound that is all minor and sad and epic and...blech.
So, I can't even recommend any tracks because it all sounds the same to me.
You don't believe me? Listen for yourself.
I'm movin' on. I listened so you didn't have to.

Grade: As an Alice in Chains ripoff: B-
As a Kiss album: D

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