Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Listening Post: Pearl Jam - Vitalogy

Uh oh.

Pearl Jam - Vitalogy - 1994 (iTunes)

Try as I have, I don't love this record. I bought it in 95, listened once, realized that there were about 3 tracks worth listening to and tossed it somewhere. I dug it out for this LP and...man, I don't get it.
The opener, "Last Exit" sounds like a band that knows what it's SUPPOSED to sound like but they sound like a carbon version of that band, something's lost in the copy.
"Spin the Black Circle" fares much better. It's easily the fastest thing in the band's catalog and like it, but it stands almost alone on this album as something worth hearing.
"Not for You" isn't bad, like this album, it's not "Bad", per se. But it's also not that great.
There's too much experimentation going on. Like a band that is just bored by themselves and are forcing themselves to try out stuff just for the hell of it."Pry to", "Tremor Christ", "Bugs" "Aye Davanita" and the god-awful "Stupid Mop" are perfect examples of this.
I love reaching outside of one's comfort zone. I think it can be great. But I don't think these trips are surprising the players enough. They sound like they've got free reign in a studio and have decided to show us their poop.
Then you get "nothing man", which is right IN the comfort Zone. It's Elderly Woman part II. But I didn't really need part 2. I loved part one. I get it, you can right these melodic, alt-country, California rock songs. Whooppee. Surprise me. Come on. Haven't you listened to your FIRST two records!?!? Oh, nevermind. (um.....)
"Whipping" sounds better live. as much of PJ's songs do. Here it just proves how kinda second rate it is.
"Corduroy" is exceptional. Except that it's a little sluggish in comparison to how they do it live, where it has more energy and makes you say, "What album is THAT on? I want THAT song!" However, unlike tracks from the 1st record, where the band would continue to go after the "song" was clearly over and you loved it and you wanted more and more, on Corduroy and Better Man I just wanted them to stop. You know? The band doesn't seem that inspired. But, what the fuck, they are stuck in a band with a guy who wants to record "Bugs".
The album is only supported by the better tracks, but you don't need it. Go buy "rearviewmorror", the best of collection and you'll be fine.

Grade C
A Side: Spin the Black Circle, Corduroy, Better Man
BlindSide: Immortality
Downside: Bugs, Aye Davanita, Pry To, Tremor Christ, Stupid Mop.

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