Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Listening Post: Pearl Jam - Ten

Little different this time. With the release of "Backspacer" and it being the first Pearl Jam album I have purchased in over a decade, I thought we'd go through the catalog of a band that I once loved and then, just as quickly as they arrived, I forgot about. Let's look at Mookie Blaylock, shall we?

Pearl Jam - Ten - 1991 (iTunes)
A few years ago I met a guy named Joe. He was the drummer in a band that my band was friendly with. Terrific drummer. Just a great player. Should be bigger than he is. He should have "made it". He hasn't yet. Don't know why.
Years ago, when he was living in Orange County, Joe was in a band. One weekend their lead singer told the guys that he was going on a surfing weekend. When he came back the singer quit the band.
See, the lead singer had gone up to Seattle to meet with a couple guys who thought he might be a good fit for them. They were looking for a lead singer.
Ed, the singer, had gotten a hold of some demos, wrote some lyrics, sang over the demos, sent them up to Stone and Jeff and they liked what they heard.
So, Ed left the band. You all know him.
Joe, not so much. Too bad, really. But, then again......we wouldn't have Pearl Jam, would we?

So, 18 years later, does the debut of the band once known as Mookie Blaylock (10 was Mookie's number, hence the title) hold up?
Holy hell, yes.
Ten punches you in the face from the opening track "Once", holds you by the throat, pushes the pedal down and never lets you go, epic through epic, until it finally decides you've had enough and sends you floating down the river to the hypnotic "Master/slave" instrumental.

It's ferocious.

Millions of words have been written about it and I don't think I have any new insights. Except to say that after NOT listening to it for about 9 years it's still an unbelievable debut.

Grade A+
A Side: Silly to even list, really. There is not a bad track on Ten. But, in case you've forgotten, go put "Jeremy", "Black" or "Porch" on full blast and you'll remember.

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