Saturday, June 11, 2011

Queen for a Day - You Take My Breath Away

How lovely is this song? Opening with a flurry of harmonies done by Freddie it features him on piano singing an ode to a great love. One that does what the title says.
As we move to the second verse, he is accompanied briefly by his own backing vox.
The song builds (big surprise) after a "chorus" reminiscent of the multi-layers that were used so well on II.
Then a brief guitar solo, backed by layers of guitars, then Freddie is back. He says what he means, clearly with an "I love you" and we're done.
A few seconds later, a heady swirl of voices eventually reveal themselves to be, once again, the title of the song.
Take My Breath is one of my favorites in the band's catalog and shows quite a bit of maturity. Coming second after the rocking masterstroke it's a sure sign that the guys are secure in their writing, performing and the strength of their music.

Grade: A

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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