Thursday, February 11, 2010

The end is the beginning is the end

I don't know if there's anybody out there. I don't get a lot of comments. I may only have two readers. I don't know.
But, that's not what I do the blog for anyway. Let's face it. We do it for the cash.
I've decided to be a little more proactive with my "brand". As an actor I've often shied away from self-promotion but I gotta face it, it comes with the job.
I've always had a website. but I barely maintained it and, truthfully, barely even remembered that I had it.
I've redesigned it and decided to take it more seriously. If you go there you will see plenty of links. Twitter. Resumes. Demos. Stuff.
There's also a new feature. Podcasting. Yes. Beth and I finally took the podcast plunge. Since we decided to do IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) we thought it might be interesting to podcast about the experience, much in the same way that we blogged about Zoe's birth.
The first episode is up on the site under Podcast and it's also available on iTunes. You can subscribe and stuff and we think it might actually end up being pretty interesting.
There's also an area for blogging. And I've decided to move the blog there. I don't love blogger. It's annoying in many ways. And I really don't want to learn Wordpress. Or any others. I flirted with the idea of doing a Listening Post Only blog, porting all the reviews over and then printing them as a book.
Then I realized that what I love about the internet is the duality of it. It's ephemeral but lasts forever. That's just neat.
I don't have the ability to add comments to entries yet. I'll figure that out. But I never got many comments to begin with.
So, if you are an avid reader of Septenary, please come over to and subscribe with whatever doo-hickey you use. I use Google Reader. Lots of people use RSS. I dunno how you do it. But I would love it if you came along for the ride.
See you over there.

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