Friday, March 13, 2009


I have been remiss. I am hip deep in something that I really shouldn't talk about, so I won't because I like my work and I like the work I am doing at that work.
That said, this is a shout out to Aaron, who nominated me, along with others, for a blogging award. The Dardos.
I am supposed to accept it and pass it on to 5 others and I just don't have the time.
But, the reason he included mine is because of my "Listening Post" series. And, woe is me, there has been no work done on that front in a while.
But it isn't over.
No, far from it.
I am just getting ready for a new one. Can you believe?
And who will be the lucky recipient of my cloistered ears....?

This dude.

I promise. It's a hard promise (he he) considering my time constraints. But, it's coming.....
Stay tuned.....

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