Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'll be back

I haven't posted all that much in the last few days.
Busting my hump for Barack.
California made 1.7 million calls into the battleground states this past weekend.
Next nearest state was NY, with 215,000
Chicago is looking to California to GOTV (Get Out The Vote) from Saturday to Tuesday.
I will be helping the great Tiffany Massey and LaTanya Mangrum with their massive phone bank that has merged with the cooly named "30 Barack" from District 30.
We are expecting over 1000 phone callers to come through our doors over those days.
I promise to resurface at some point.
Please vote.
If you live in a battleground state or know someone who does please get them to vote for Barack.
I've called every election since 2004. I've never been wrong.
Barack will win.
I shudder to think of what the world will be like if he doesn't.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What change looks like.

Been at the Phone Bank all weekend at Culver Studios.
It's awesome. High energy. Great people. You should come to it or go to one in your neck of the woods. Next weekend is GOTV. Get Out The Vote. The most important 96 hours of the campaign. You can be a part of it.
Go to to find out how to early vote and then get your butt to a phone bank.
In the meantime.
This is was change looks like:

Barack Obama in Denver.

100,000 came to hear him.

Battleground state, huh?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The ad I was waiting for.

Use McCain's words against himself.
I guess I was too impatient.
All the more reason Obama is a better choice for prez than me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why are we allowing Terror to be incited?

While am loathe to let my own blog become a repository for video links (Sausage links, yes, however and Elk links, which I had today, more so) I am afraid that if I do not repost this Olbermann Special Comment, well, Keith's head might actually explode.
he's dead on here. Why something's not being done about this, I really don't know.
And, oh, yeah. ACORN. If you have any idiot friends who might think they are on the fence because of this piece of ridiculousness, please remind them that even though Mickey Mouse might BE registered, if he shows up to vote, THAT'S the real problem.
And now: Keith.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Septenary Monkey Mix!

Green Monkey is back! Splotchy has decided to bring back the vaunted series and he opened the submission door with one of my favorite genres: Power Pop.
It's really hard to describe the form. Melodic. Guitar Driven. Kind of emo, too. Better musicianship than glam, which is a forebear, but not as aggressive as pop/rock.
Get it? No? Well, maybe my own choices will help edify:

1. Everybody's Girl - Rick Springfield
Working Class Dog is a prime example of the form. It's a near perfect album in every way. In fact, I would say, that it is one song short of being one of the top 5 of all time. Yes, it's that good. It took me 25 years to discover it. On vinyl no less. But, I am a convert. This song has one of the tightest, build-to-a-climax bridges ever written. I know you think of Rick as "Jessie's Girl", "I get Excited" and "I've Done Everything for You". This is my favorite tune of his.

2. I Wanna Be With You - The Raspberries.
Eric Carmen would go on to write the sappiest uber-ballad, "All By Myself". Yeah, I know. But, his group, The Raspberries, were the real early progenitors of the Power Pop style. Someone else included the dirtiest song of the 70s, "Go All The Way" so I thought I would add to the fun with this catchy piece of pop confection.

3. My Life Still Sucks (in a Bad Way) - The Andersons
You don't know the Andersons? Wha??? Well, I understand. The Andersons were a quartet in Los Angeles in the early part of this century. Featuring some of the best players around, they were sort of the Asia of the local LA Power Pop underground. (he he he). Robbie Rist was one of the songwriters/guitarists and they put on the best shows. All the time. Never fail. It was hard to pick just one song to rep them. This was the first track of theirs I heard, which was also the first track I stole on audiogalaxy lo those many years ago. Not to worry, I bought all their cds. Even after Robbie produced my album. (He can be heard playing drums on 85% of the tracks. Fucking genius)

4. I Knew The Bride - Dave Edmunds
This is, quiet simply, the best song ever written. I think it's Nick Lowe's pen that crafted it, I don't recall. But, it's just perfect. I love Nick's version, probably more than Dave's but in a power pop list, you KNOW that Lowe is going to get his due. And Dave might be left out in the cold.

5. Starry Eyes - The Records
I want you to listen to this song and tell me: Did R.E.M. steal and base their career on this one track? Many point to The Feelies. I think it's the Records. Murmur and Reckoning are all over this. Starry Eyes is the bridge between The Zombies and REM. And that bridge is called Power Pop.

6. I Wanna be Your Boyfriend - The Rubinoos
God I love this song. I love it so much. I already had the Roob's ep. My room mate, John, and I found it in the cutout bin at Sounds. I discovered this track later. You might know them from that goofy theme song to Revenge of the Nerds, but this is their best work. This and "If I had You Back".
Also, if you ever heard Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" and/or you know about the Rubinoos' lawsuit, this is a must hear!

7. Where Have You Been All My Life? - Fotomaker
Oh, that slightly country-twang guitar. The dreamy longing in the lead singer's voice. This treacly piece of sentiment is everything that's great and cloying about the form.

8. Your Daddy Don't Know - Toronto
What? Pat Benatar? Quarterflash? No, it's Toronto! You don't hear a lot of women in the PP genre. Had to find one. This is one of those songs that make you say, "Hey! I KNOW that song! Who the hell is that???? I thought it was Pat!?!" And then you can't get the fucker out of your head.

(Bonus Track[s])
Your Daddy Don't Know - The New Pornographers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Poor John McCain.

Just dashing this off quick:
Pity poor John McCain.
He coddled the evangelical, hate spewing right. Where once he was actually a decent man, a trustworthy man who followed his gut and whose head was not always up to the task.
So blinded by ambition that he allowed himself to wallow in the trough of partisan hackery.
Then he met the hatemongers at a rally. And found himself defending Barack Obama.
Looked right in the eye of a devout follower, one whose heart he was TRYING to win over with his attack ads.
And she admitted from the bottom of her heart that she is afeared of Barack because "He's a Arab."
John looked like he just wanted to go home. Like he made a deal with the devil and just wants to recant.

Be careful what you wish for.
It's like that trippy Twilight Zone episode where the jewish guy wishes for ultimate power and the genie turns him into Hitler.
So, Pity poor John McCain.
But not so much. Cuz he's an idiot.

Don't panic!

Just because the other side has refused to stop peple from yelling out incendiary shouts to "kill him!" and "Treason!", "Traitor" and the like, there's nothing to really be scared of.
Now, if these lunatics somehow get it in their head to incite their mob and send them out to shoot...someone, then we can worry.
But, truth is, using Jeremiah Wright was something I had been anticipating for a year and the Bill Ayers thing just shows how desperate they are.
Don't panic. Right?